. . .with every single child here! It's hard to believe I'm starting my fourth week here already, that's a month! There is still some major settling in to do, next week I start my Spanish lessons so that I can communicate better with the Bolivian Tia's and the kiddos. Excited and nervous about that all at the same time, my Texas tongue appreciates any and all prayers as I try and master this new language! As for getting around town. . . I'm beginning to think I may never fully grasp the bus/truffi system, but taxi drivers love me! haha! It's a little more expensive, in terms of B's (the currency here) but in terms of dollars is only costing me about $10-$15 a week and it's also much safer than some of the other forms of transportation. Now. . . .back to the kids! Currently I'm working two days at House 1 with 12 babies and two days at House 3 with 5 of the older kids (and The Mitchell's!). Have I mentioned that I love all them yet?! haha! Not that I play favorites, but there is one baby in particular that has stolen my heart. We'll call him Baby "S" , Baby "S" arrived in the world on Feb 12, just 2 days after I arrived in Bolivia. It was a rough start for "S" as his mother tried to smother him right after birth but by God's unfailing grace, she was unsuccessful, I can't help but imagine the HUGE plan and path God already has mapped out for this little guy! If you ever stop by House 1, chances are you will find me holding or loving on "S", I've given serious thought about how I might bring him back with me in 6 months! Through all the homesickness, all the fears, all the struggles with language and transportation and culture it amazes me how holding one of these sweet kids puts everything back in focus, everything about why I'm here, why I left my friends and family seems so clear again. I remember that it all comes back to this, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." -James 1:27
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
I can't help falling in love. . .
Posted by Jenn at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Good things come to those that wait. . .
And wait I did, for 3 very long days in the Miami Airport! My trek to Cochabamba began Tuesday Feb 7th as I departed DFW and headed on my way! After a a 3 hour plane ride, God gracing me with a very nice, very helpful seat mate and a mad dash from one end of the airport to the other (with ALL my luggage and said seat mate helping me) I arrived at the gate of my second flight to find out. . . they had closed the flight and I had missed my connection! NOT what I wanted to hear. After a few hours it was decided that the best course of action was to. . . wait it out in Miami until the next flight offered by the airline took off... at 10pm Thurs night! After becoming very familiar with the international terminal in Miami and what felt like a TON of waiting, I was finally on my way! A quick 6 hour flight to Santa Cruz, a stop through customs and one last 45 min flight and I was finally in Cochabamba!! Once I passed through immigration, I saw the best sight I had seen in days. . . familiar faces!!! :-) So thankful for T.J and Tammy Mitchell!!
After a quick stop for a traditional Bolivian breakfast (pastels and api, the jury is still out on the api!) I was headed for my new home for the next 6 months! I was able to meet my roommate, some of the Tia's and then finally. . . the KIDS!!!!! It was without doubt, love at first sight! :-)
Posted by Jenn at 5:20 PM 2 comments