Monday, February 1, 2016

Hello from the other side!

It seems like forever since I've had the time to sit down and actually get a blog out, for that I am sorry and promise to get better! I've been in the UK now for 2 weeks! It's hard to believe so much has happened in such a short period of time! I've settled in nicely at my new flat (aka apartment!) in South London (Bermondsey for all of you familiar with this part of the world!) and have amazing flat mates! It takes me about 45 minutes (2 trains and 1 bus) to get to work in Dagenham each day but the commute feels shorter and shorter every day. God is doing amazing things in Dagenham and here at Bethel Christian Centre! There are lots of outreach activities going on geared at reaching the community. On a typical week we have staff bible study/prayer time on Mondays until lunch time, then we work on the craft and bible story for Community Tots that happens on Tuesday mornings. Community tots is similar to MOPS back in the states and is a great time for us to connect and share the gospel with the moms that come! Please be praying for the growing relationships we have with the moms and that more moms in the area would join us. Tuesday evenings is when we have a youth gathering called The Hub, it's a safe place for kids 11-16 to come and hang out and we share a 5-10 minute bible story with them. Please be praying for this activity as a majority of the teens who attend do not know the Lord, but we know His word never returns void, so even though they may not be coming specifically to hear the word, seeds are being planted! Wednesdays we do "Doors", this is when we walk through the community surrounding our Centre and knock on doors to tell people about the activities we offer at the Centre and begin to try and build relationships with our neighbors. We would love for you to be praying for all the contacts we meet on doors and that through relationship we might have the opportunity to share the gospel with them. Specifically I'd love for you to pray for "W" with me, he is a man I met while doing doors who is struggling with depression and a curiosity of the occult. He was open to talking about the gospel with us and we are hoping he will start joining us on Thursdays at our community lounge. Community lounge is a gathering on Thursdays that is a basic time of fellowship, we provide a meal and conversation to all our neighbors, as an LCM intern, I spend Thursdays at HQ having lectures. It's an amazing time of learning and growing in my faith. Friday mornings I attend a church drop in at a local church here in Dagenham. The drop in is basically just like our Community Lounge except we only have coffee, tea and biscuits. I love getting to know all the people here and was even taught a new card game, Whot!, last week by several of the ladies in attendance! Friday night it's back over to Bethel for Deeper, a bible study with any of the youth from Tuesday night who want to learn more about God, the bible and a personal relationship with Jesus.
I'm loving my time here already and can't wait for all that lies ahead! Thank you for all the love and support that was given to get me here! As you think of me in the coming days, please be praying for my health (my Texas body is still adjusting to a cold and wet climate!), the ministry and outreach at Bethel as we begin to brainstorm a new kid's club geared to engage kids ages 5-10 and finally for my family back home. Thank you again for walking this beautiful and wonderful journey alongside of me!
