Updates, updates, updates! Even though it's only been a few weeks since my last blog this one is full of all kinds of fun updates!!
God continues to humble and bless me as I walk this journey with Him. On top of being a GEM intern, I'm excited to announce that my home church, FBC Mckinney, has re-activated my TYW missionary number with them! I am beyond ecstatic to prepare and leave for the next year with the full support and encouragement of my home church body!
In my last blog I gave some background information on LCM, I'm thrilled to now be able and give everyone even more details about the specific ministry I've been matched with while in London! And as the title of this blog states, I truly believe it is a match made in Heaven! Bethel Christian Centre has been working in the Dagenham area of London for over 10 years with a wide range of established outreach activities. The ministry has recently been resourced with more team members who are excited with the possibilities of taking the ministry forward and I can not wait to join them! I was able to speak with Jeff, the team leader at Bethel this past week and throughout our conversation God showed Himself in amazing ways! As we talked about the needs they are looking to address and the strengths God has blessed me with, it was as if I was specifically made to fit into this ministry, which is probably more true than even I realize at this point! I'm excited to be able and use all the experience I've had over the past 11 years working with children's and youth ministry and apply them to the awesome work God is already doing at Bethel!
Thank you for praying for me, keep it up! God has blessed me beyond belief so far in this journey and I don't expect Him to stop anytime soon! I'd like to ask for continued prayer for funding, for preparations and Visa procedures and for the hearts and minds of all the people who have and will be affected by the ministry at Bethel and my time there.
If you'd like to partner with me monthly at $25, $50 or $100 (or provide a one time gift) you can donate in 2 ways, both tax deductible, either through GEM at www.gemadventure.com/donate and use my # 09955 or through FBC Mckinney at www.fbcmissionallife.com/missionaries and use my name or my TYW #, TYW13.
Thank you again to everyone who supports me in so many ways as I attempt to ". . .run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." -Hebrews 12:1b-2
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